(Created Friday, Mar. 26, 2004 at 10:55 PM)
Today's Basic Idea:" dear portland "

(A "Dear John" letter to a city)

Dear Portland,

I hate to have to do this. I really do. I just don't think it's going to work out this time. Maybe the timing isn't right.

The truth is, We've been having an affair with D.C.

Yeah, DC is a lot older than you are, and maybe not as free-spirited or earthy as you, but... I don't know, maybe DC's maturity and stability are appealing. It's hard to say. Maybe it's just that DC has seen a lot more of the world than you have. You're gorgeous, don't get me wrong - It's just too difficult trying to make it work.

I hope you aren't too hurt. We'll always think fondly of you. Maybe we can be friends.


***** 0 voices speaking out

Eating: green tea
Watching: nope
Reading: adrienne rich "atlas"
Feeling: The current mood of moonferret at www.imood.com

*HUGS* TOTAL! give moonferret more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own


    Hindsight ----- Foresight

    2004 --- 2003 --- 2002 --- 2001

    A survey called "understand" -get to know someone

    A Survey called "OK, Smarty..." if you want to entertain yourself with the delusion of brilliance. :)