(Created 2001-09-13 at 2:23 p.m.)
Today's Basic Idea:" Flags "
It took me two days to call or get email replies from everyone in New York.

Q, Rob told us that you and Kimberly and Denise are all ok... I hope you're okay spiritually/ emotionally too, for what that's worth.

I don't want a war. I don't know how to say it any better than that. I'm profoundly sad and I don't want any other innocent people to have to suffer.

I'm confused by the American flags. Of course I love my country, but weren't there thousands of people from other countries who died? I guess everyone needs a symbol to show we all care about each other.

I just don't know that I'd find comfort in the flag if James had died. The flag just doesn't feel relevant to my sadness somehow.

It's not like any of the people who died had gone to battle that day, fighting for their country. They were just going to work.


***** 0 voices speaking out

Feeling: The current mood of moonferret at www.imood.com

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