(Created Tuesday, Mar. 16, 2004 at 6:09 PM)
Today's Basic Idea:" DC thoughts "

Well, it looks like we're postponing any moves to the Pacific Northwest for the indeterminate future. ALthough Portland is awesome, the economy isn't. And they aren't hiring (any) firefighters right now, and I suspect teachers must be in the same boat. In any event, We are now looking at D.C. Funny... I never really thought about living in D.C. before... I guess I had to live in a small town to remember what I missed about cities.

Still, ideally James and I will be able to find a place outside of DC... a little house with some land that isn't $400,000. I expect we'll be looking in the Shenandoah Valley... lol... Ah well. We can look. Who knows.

I found some co-housing communities in Maryland and NW Virginia (Leesburg area) and they look amazing... sigh. I suppose I should finish grad school first. :)

The Guerilla Girls are here on campus tonight -- such a shame I cannot miss class to go see them. I could use some feminist comedy right about now...

Guerilla Girls
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Eating: an apple
Watching: nothing
Reading: A study on gender roles in children's books
Feeling: The current mood of moonferret at www.imood.com

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    A Survey called "OK, Smarty..." if you want to entertain yourself with the delusion of brilliance. :)