(Created 2004-03-09 at 1:10 a.m.)
Today's Basic Idea:" small changes "

My diary is changing, as I've finally discovered the magical world of Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and template design!


So, I will be changing this page over the next week, and cleaning up a lot of extraneous junk. I'm moving all quizzes and webrings onto the "rings" page. And I will be using my private entries more often now, I think, so that I can get some real thinking and writing done... it's hard to write really intimate, private stuff when you know anyone might be watching... (I really can't get my brain around, for instance, my DAD reading about my sex life.)

so anyway. Nothing profound or controversial today. :)

But I am enjoying spring break, more or less.. much research to do, articles and papers to work on, books to read, poetry to analyze, and video to shoot for work... eek. Doesn't much feel like a break but I'm happy... so glad I didn't stay in the MBA program.

***** 0 voices speaking out

Feeling: The current mood of moonferret at www.imood.com

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    Hindsight ----- Foresight

    2004 --- 2003 --- 2002 --- 2001

    A survey called "understand" -get to know someone

    A Survey called "OK, Smarty..." if you want to entertain yourself with the delusion of brilliance. :)