(Created 2003-11-25 at 12:39 a.m.)
Today's Basic Idea:" Wasting time on Average Joe "

OK, I was watching "Average Joe" tonight. While I think the chick (Malena?) is a shallow twit, I still find her choices interesting. I decided I hated her in the first episode when she complained about some of the guys being fat and asked if someone was playing a joke on her. With that said, however, one of the (fat) guys cut in the second episode was a total pig and couldn't STOP talking about her appearance... hypocritical fuckwad.

Anyway, Malena claims she's more interested in someone's personality than their looks, which in her case needs to be amended: "Assuming of course I'm only choosing between really good looking guys, I'll go for the nicer one."

She hasn't impressed me much so far, and I hate to say it, but I would have axed John a long time ago. Looks-wise, John was perfectly normal... that wasn't the problem. In his case, it was his personality that was the problem! Ugh.

She kissed him on the cheek, and he acted about 8 years old... blushing, dancing around, rubbing his cheek, saying "wow" repeatedly.. Eek! I was guessing she kissed his cheek so he'd stop his bloody awful SINGING! I was painfully embarassed for him... he had also thought it was seductive? romantic? to sing (badly) in German to the woman. Oy.

Now, if he had had a guitar it would have been fine, but when a guy just starts belting it out a capella, it just seems STRANGE unless it's St Paddy's Day, everyone's drunk, and they all join in on "Danny Boy." Even if a guy was a trained opera singer, I would still think he was a freak for bursting into song ... This is why I hate musicals, after all.

Why do I bring up all of this? Well, I suppose because his parting words were "nice guys finish last." AAAAGGGGH!!! Can I say once again how crazy this statement makes me? The guy had ZERO confidence and he acted like a freak. THAT is why he finished "last."

I'm guessing that we, as a culture, give good-looking (and not-fat) people more leeway to fuck up, but freaks are still freaks - good-looking or not.

Most of the guys I have known who have complained about "nice guys finishing last" often aren't that nice at all, but just think they are because it helps them put the blame on anyone but themselves. Yeah, I'm bitchy about this.

Let's notice that our cheerleader friend Malena also eliminated the gorgeous Italian fellow tonight who had the six-pack abs that even the guys were checking out. Why did she eliminate him? Because he radiated "freak" as well. Might have been a nice guy, but still - radiated "Hi, please love me, I'm so lonely that I waited 6 hours on my ex-girlfriend's doorstep even though she was cheating on me and an addict."

Can't say I blame Malena for ditching him... after all, since when are first dates supposed to be therapy sessions? ( it was strange but a little sweet that our abs-blessed fellow was CRYING after she ditched him -- AFTER ONE DATE. Still, though, guys, she's PERFECTLY AVERAGE! Christ almighty!)

So, ultimately, I will say what I've always said... It's not that Nice Guys finish last. It's just that CONFIDENT guys are more attractive than whiny guys who complain all the time (that nice guys finish last.) The ones who end up getting the girl for the long haul are the nice AND confident guys who aren't desperate. If ya want someone to think you're attractive, you simply can't beg.

I will definitely give Malena points for being able to ditch John-of- the- kneesocks - and - bermuda shorts as smoothly as she did. She simply explained he was more serious about her (read: "stalker") than she was about him. Twenty bucks he's tried to contact her (repeatedly) since then.

If there are any perpetually single guys out there reading this who are convinced nice guys always lose, let me spell it out for you -- play it confident and cool. If you don't know what you're doing, learn. Ignorance and inexperience aren't attractive... at least not to me. Learn the difference between "confident" and "jerk."

Oh, and I do think that one guy from Long Island on "Average Joe" is a complete jerk AND not very smart AND consequently not remotely attractive. Malena is a freak herself for keeping him this long. Yuck. Sadly, though, he was one of maybe three guys who acted like he's been on a date before, which probably IS why she kept him around. Sometimes confidence will get you really far, even IF you're a jerk. (Not with me though... ew, what a repulsive swine.)

Ok, done ranting. I'm just glad James is nice. :-)

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