(Created 2001-07-18 at 2:16 a.m.)
Today's Basic Idea:" Yoga and sleepy musing "
-- Yoga day --

I finally went to a Yoga class today. I have been meaning to go for years.

The teacher is a young guy with a great Aussie accent and a definite aura of peace.

After we worked out, we meditated and I felt (at least for a few minutes) that for the first time, I understood meditation. I can't remember it now, of course. But something worked.

Nothing creative or witty to say tonight. Kind of sleepy, really.

Still getting used to James being clean shaven. And I can't decide whether or not to go to Pennsic.


***** 0 voices speaking out

Feeling: The current mood of moonferret at www.imood.com

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    Hindsight ----- Foresight

    2004 --- 2003 --- 2002 --- 2001

    A survey called "understand" -get to know someone

    A Survey called "OK, Smarty..." if you want to entertain yourself with the delusion of brilliance. :)